Since I’ve spent time in the city, I’ve come to love the anonymity that blankets me like a cloak

Keywords: {0}

no one knows me. No one judges me. I go about my day, wear what I want and do what I genuinely want to do. I have been a notorious people pleaser since the day I was born and I think it’s time I outgrew that.

Having this kind of lifestyle allows me to be absolutely anything I want to be, to handle any struggle that life throws at me or my community

Keywords: {0}

Relying on ancestral values allow me to stay rooted, grounded, faithful, and expansive: I get to be with the past, the present and the future at the same time, I can be so far away and yet so intimately close. I can be space, I can be warmth, I can be healing, cleansing, protective, amplifying…

How to be a wackjob


I have a gentle regard for people who are gently wacked. Gentle wackos amuse me, frustrate me. Anybody with a tinfoil hat will make me smile. People who think the Antarctic doesn’t exist, it’s a wall of ice maintained by NASA scientists. The guy trying to get 500,000 people to invade Area 51 (‘They can’t kill all of us!’) to locate the Roswell Alien. Loopy is good, though if you’re a cean eater make sure you don’t end up in hospital with vitamin, mineral, and nutrient deficiencies. It happens.

I know a lot of vegans, and I rather like them, but they’re the ones who don’t proselytise and deliver sanctimonious lectures.

Less good are the real fucking weirdo wackjobs. PETA springs to mind. An organisation that sanctions violence aginst humans, reckons a dairy farmer’s children ‘deserve to get cancer,’ who firebomb the houses of people involved in animal research. Humans…

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Happy Ending

End, Happiness, Journey of life, Our World, Relationships, Truth

An Author You'll Remember

All is well that ends well. We all love happy endings. In fact, we all want happy endings with everything and everyone. So do we get it?

I find the concept of “happy endings” pretty funny. For I don’t think that they are possible. Like literally! Come, think about it. If you really enjoy something or your time with someone, you would keep going back to it again and again and again, till you are completely restrained not to. That is when it ends. Or you let it end. At that time, what you feel is anything but happy.

On the other hand, if you hate something from the bottom of your heart and then it comes to a halt, then you are relieved. But seriously, do you feel happy looking back at the entire ordeal. You are just grateful that it got over.

I think that the journey is…

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Why are people desperate to find meaning?

Human desperation, Shoveling snow

Probaway - Life Hacks

There are statistics about what Americans do with their time and money and that would seem to be a good proxy for what they find meaningful; and yet a web search didn’t give me what people found meaningful. What is meaningful to you, to me? I sleep the usual amount, and eat the usual amount and yes I find those activities meaningful, but they are driven by animal needs and are not those events that we value most. Or do we? I recently bought a small bottle of Grand Marnier liqueur and discovered that I really like sipping a tiny amount several times a day and letting it just slowly drift back and forth over my tongue. I didn’t seek out this experience, it was just a recommendation by a friend that I might like it, and I do. A single sip of this fluid brings a real pleasure, but…

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How not to kill time

happiness, life, random, socialmedia, thoughts, time

... Let the learning begin

What keeps us busy does not necessarily keep us moving.

In today’s modern world, every other person is so called “busy”. The big question is “Busy doing what?”

When the technology is rapidly growing to make life easier for everyone, what is occupying our time?

In ancient history, when a simple meal had to be hunted from the sources, people had enough time to enjoy it. Now when we get fed at our tables, few people have time to properly chew on it.

So where are we spending our precious time?

Different online statistics say that on an average a person spends one third of their lifetime in sleeping. So we are left with two thirds of our waking time to utilize in doing things we love or are required to do.

But we have so much to achieve! Need to learn to walk, to pass elementary, to attend high…

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Millennial Envy

bike, lambo, millennial, surf bum

Business Up Front


One of the hardest adjustments that society is forced to make is that every 20 years or so the next generation defines success and happiness differently. When the children of the 60’s abandoned the structure, stability, form and function of their parents, hearts everywhere broke. They told the people in power to chill out, sit back, inhale something organic and appreciate art, love, and anarchy. Their kids didn’t buck the man, they became the man; working harder than ever, abandoning their families to get ahead, they found success in the jet set lifestyle complete with a well-formed line of cocaine sucked off the hood of their fully financed Lambo. Their kids grew up alone as success and divorces put families into the background. As their kids began to have families, they didn’t have great examples to follow, but were certain they would ‘actually’ love their children enough to make up…

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Embracing My Inner Gypsy

change, changing jobs, free spirit, happiness, work

* BigPolly *

gypsy2 (Yes, those are totally my abs.)

I was talking to a girl friend about a guy friend the other day.  She wanted details, as in:  is there any potential for this “friend” to become something more.

“I don’t know,” I said.  I explained that he’s moved around a lot and seems to have an explorer’s heart.  “I like him, but I think he’s kind of a gypsy.”

“Well, you’re kind of a gypsy,” she said.
“No I’m not!”
But I backpedaled almost instantly:  “Well, not a geographical one anyway.”

Although I haven’t changed addresses all that often, I started thinking about all the things for which I’ve earned money (no matter how briefly) over the past 30 years.

In no particular order:
-business rep
-restaurant hostess
-aerobics instructor
-classroom teacher
-school food service worker
-swimming pool cleaner
-substitute teacher
-Easter Bunny
-vineyard worker
-house/pet sitter
-inventory “specialist”…

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Why you should create a personal manifesto

family , focus , home , life , meaning , musing , personal manifesto , progress

Rich Simplicity

It’s cliche but the phrase “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” comes to mind. Having a personal code of conduct, goals, standards gives you guidance when you feel lost in the pace of the modern world we inhabit. This world doesn’t make a lot of sense to an ever growing sector of people and having clear parameters for yourself will help you navigate the right path through it.

IMG_4408 Walk through the forest near my home. It’s fenced off to protect it from us humans… 😉

What should my manifesto look like?

Ultimately how you do this is up to you! It’s your manifesto.

  • You could write a list in an app you use so it’s easy to refer to on the go
  • You could have a special notebook where you create the list and then reflect on how you are living versus what your personal guidelines…

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Coping With Homesickness When You Work Overseas

travel, working overseas

North Wales and Beyond

If you are away from home for a prolonged length of time it’s inevitable that homesickness can hit. Here are my tips on avoiding it…

Think of the negative side of being at home.

The grass is always greener on the other side. No matter how much you hated home while you were there, with a little time away you soon forget the bad side and look at it with rose tinted glasses. You need to be realistic; all those reasons you wanted to leave in the first places still exist! So remind yourself why you wanted to leave in the first place.

Step away from social media.

It’s tough when you see pictures of friends or family out at parties or nights out or weekends away, and you weren’t invited because, obviously, you’re thousands of miles apart. Remind yourself that social media is just a snapshot of home life…

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